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Collar de Huella Digital
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Collar de Huella Digital

Purple Star Purple Star Purple Star Purple Star Purple Star 5.00 / 5

Choose Material
Plata .925
Plata .925
Plata .925
Chapado en Oro 24K
Chapado en Oro 24K
Chapado en oro rosa
Chapado en oro rosa

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Extras personalizados

Gift Box Thumbnail
double thickness
oval and heart tags
Back Engraving image
lobster and spring clasp
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La joyería de huellas dactilares personalizadas ees la joyería más solicitada, la mejor manera de mostrar a alguien especial en tu vida con su propia huella dactilar.

Este cCollar de Huella Digital, único en su tipo, tiene un grabado único con la foto de la huella dactilar que nos proporciones, e incluye delicadamente todos los detalles de la huella dactilar para conmemorar de verdad a stu ser querido y crear un collar simplemente impresionante.

¡Ordena el tuyo hoy!

Reseñas de clientes

Peggy M.
Nov 2024
yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star
Great Customer Service
Anybody can make a mistake but it is what you do about it that counts. My order had a mistake on the card and I was missing the certificate of authenticity. The necklace was a gift and it was important to us that it be perfect. I contacted customer service and asked that they be sent by courier because of the postal strike that had just started. They took care of the problem immediately and we had the paperwork delivered to us by courier within the week. This resulted in us having everything we needed to send the necklace to our niece. It was a gift in memory of her mother who recently passed away. Thank you so much. Not only is the necklace beautiful, you have wonderful customer service. We couldn’t have asked for more.
Stacy P.
Oct 2023
yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star
Excellent quality
Excellent quality, perfect match to fingerprint pic i sent them. Thanx guys!
marie F.
Jul 2021
yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star
Médaille empreinte
Nous avons fait 2 médailles empreintes, ravies du rendu, le travail est fin, et le délai rapide, je recommanderais d'autre bijoux, merci pour ce jolie travail
Mar 2021
yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star
Just what the doctor ordered
I purchased 2 of these pendants for the parents of one of my patients who is currently dying and she wanted to leave her parents a farewell present. The fingerprint pendants are perfect. And the company waited till they had a clear print before accepting the project to ensure excellent quality. The company were great to work with and I appreciate their communication and professionalism.
sandra P.
Apr 2019
yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star yellow Star
Perfect customer sevice
Necklace ordered with a fingerprint of my dying son, unfortunately it nave arrived. I contacted customer service to see if they could trace it. The answer was no but they would put in another order and upgrade the postage. It arrived and I am so pleased with the product. Thank you onecklace I am more than happy with nery.
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